By David Hobbs
As I said in my last post, God has been showing me things that must happen before the Lord can return. Last time I spoke of closing the church ranks by partnering across the generations. That will be so powerful when it happens! The other thing He opened my eyes to lately is the need for an outpouring of joy in the church. We like to say that we have read the back of the Book and guess what, we win! But that is a declaration of faith; Very few live that way. Most of us still live a life more battered by trials than shouting the victory. That has to change. I want to share with you a YouTube video that illustrates this point better than I can articulate it. It’s from the Gaither Homecoming video from Atlanta where the Hoppers sing “It’s Shoutin’ Time in Heaven.”
Shoutin' Time in Heaven
I love that song. The longer it goes the more joyful people become until there’s an outpouring of joy that rouses the whole Georgia dome to its feet and gets it rocking along. People aren’t just clapping their hands—they’re clapping them above their heads! And look at the peoples’ faces!
The message of the cross and what Jesus did for us and where we’re going and who we are in Christ… is a joyful message above all. And the church needs to express that joy in front of heaven and principalities and powers and unbelievers. Isn’t joy the ultimate expression of faith? Those who remain mournful don’t really believe the message. We become joyful when we believe it’s all true, that time is running out for the devil, and the church’s triumph is at hand. Joy is the expression of the faith that overcomes the world!
Jesus is not coming back for a mournful church! “Hold the fort for I am coming.” He’s coming back for a vibrant, victorious church that knows who it is in Christ and is exuberant to think its time is fast approaching. When the “shoutin’ time on the earth” matches the “shoutin’ time in heaven” then Jesus can easily step from the one to the other and it will truly be “on earth as it is in heaven.”
Want more? Here’s a few more videos that capture that spirit of joy soon to be released into the church.
Jessy Dixon singing Highway to Heaven
O Happy Day (Should be every Christian’s theme song!)
O the Glory did Roll
Believe and let the glory roll through you. It’s all true; let’s live like it!