Wednesday, July 11, 2012

God's Judgments

By David Hobbs

People looking to global warming theories to explain the recent severe storm back east and the forest fires out west are looking in the wrong place. Consider the timing of this "derecho" storm (as powerful as a hurricane): right after the convoluted Supreme Court decision approving Obamacare. And consider the path of the storm: from Chicago to Washington. Hmm. Now what is significant about those two cities? And the damage was centered around Washington.

It brings to mind a similar happening in my state of Calif. where the battle over same-sex marriage has waxed long and intense. In a milestone event, the state Supreme Court in May, 2008, invalidated the law allowing heterosexual marriage only as unlawful discrimination against homosexuals. It mandated government approval of same sex marriage to go into effect June 16th, at 5:01 pm. Four days later, on June 20th, “Dry thunderstorms and lightning, rarely seen on the California coastline in June, rolled [a]shore. The storm unleashed 25,000 to 26,000 dry lightning strikes across Northern and Central California, igniting more than 2,000 fires.…[By] July 12, 2008, the area burned reached 801,726 acres, making those wildfires in 2008 the greatest wildfire in California history by burned area.” (Wikipedia, “Summer 2008 California Wildfires”)

But these present fires. These present fires. Explain them! They’re centered around Colorado Springs, a mecca for Christians and Christian ministries. Explain that! Yes, the worst fire is the Waldo fire in Colorado Springs, the home of the largest concentration of Christian ministries in the world. But don’t forget that God judges His own people also for misrepresenting Him. In fact, scripture says that judgment must begin with the family of God (1 Peter 4:17+), “and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God? And ‘If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?’”

God has His own opinion of things (clearly expressed in the Bible) and judges accordingly. But His judgments are primarily warnings to turn us from our evil ways. Hurricane Katrina--on New Orleans and its Mardi Gras’ debauchery; 9-11—on the World Trade Center, the epicenter of the world economic system of greed and godlessness; 1994 Northridge earthquake (Los Angeles area)—under the largest concentration of pornography producers in the world.

Wake up people. God is speaking. But are we listening?

Keep reading for my own story of how I saw firsthand a judgment from God and what prompted it.

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