Thursday, March 28, 2013

Visions in the Fog: Hindrances to God's Glory Being Poured Out

By Joy Gartman, as told to David Hobbs

[There are many Christians who walk in the Spirit. Many have had far more powerful experiences than I, but I suppose it’s all relative. One person I have much respect for is Joy Gartman.

Pastor Joy is one of the most spiritually sensitive people I know. With her husband, she has pastored throughout the coun­try, mostly in the Episcopal Church. Now retired from pastoring, she travels as an evangelist and also ministers to the homeless. The following is her account, as told to our prayer group--DH]
    Recently I was caught up to a face-to-face encounter with the Lord. He spoke with me and allowed me to ask Him questions. One of the questions I asked was “Lord, why don’t you pour out Your glory as You have promised? How long must we wait?”

The Lord answered, “I long for that even more than you do, but where can I pour it out?”

Not long after this I was driving from Yuba City to the Rock of Roseville Church across the Central Valley. It was winter, and as often happens in the winter months in the cold mornings there were dense patches of valley fog. As I was driving, I felt the presence of the Lord fill my car and I noticed that strange things were happening to the fog. I rea­lized I was having some kind of vision. The fog seemed to congeal into squares or blocks and they began taking on dif­ferent colors. “What is this? What am I seeing?” I asked the Lord.

“The fog represents My glory,” He responded.

I noticed off toward the horizon a block of gray, dark, dirty looking fog. “Why is that fog gray?” I wondered aloud.

“The gray fog is My glory contaminated with sin,” He said.

[When Joy said this I thought of Simon the Sorcerer who offered Peter money for the ability to lay hands on people and confer the gift of the Holy Spirit.]

A little farther I saw in another direction some brown fog. “What’s with the brown fog?” I asked.

“The brown fog is My glory contaminated by the flesh.”

[When Joy said this, I thought of those who used their spiritual giftings to subtly promote themselves—building up their ministries, raising money,  merchandising products, and boasting in their newsletters of their many accomplishments, all in the Name of Christ.]

Then I saw close at hand some pink fog, which looked unlike anything I had ever seen before. “Wow! What’s the pink fog?”

“The pink fog is My glory contaminated by false doc­trine.”

[When she said this I thought of those who teach that we can go on sinning after salvation, that spiritual gifts died out with the early church, that unless you belong to their group you can’t be saved, those who cri­ticize every move of the Spirit in our day….]

Then right before me, towering in the sky to a great height, was a pillar of dazzling white fog, stunning in its beauty and brilliance.

That is My glory, pure and undefiled.”

But even as I was watching in awe while trying to keep my car on the road, I noticed some tendrils of the pink fog beginning to drift toward the pillar of pure fog, as if to wrap themselves around it and intermingle with it.

“Even when I find a safe place to pour My glory out, there is ever-present danger of contamination by those who dwell on the earth,” the Lord concluded and the vision ended.

See the book Walking in the Soirit for more supernatural encounters.

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