Thursday, August 20, 2015

The End of America?

By David Hobbs

[This is a Letter to the Editor I wrote that was published in our paper today. As you can see, I think we are in very serious times. Sin always has a payday and I think our payday has come.
A prophetic friend of mine was woken up in the middle of the night recently with Jesus speaking to him. He said that because of the flood of ungodly laws passed by our legislature, and because other states look to our state (Calif.) as a bellwether state, Jesus said He was going to bring judgment upon us, "I will send fires upon you this summer and floods upon you this winter." So the fires are now raging and scientists tell us we have the largest El Nino in history developing out in the ocean. The state is starting to brace for catastrophic floods this winter. God is not fooling around. My friend also said that He had never seen the Lord so serious and somber. ]

Dear Editor,
Back in the 1980s, I was surprised by conservative commentators like George Will predicting the imminent collapse of the Soviet Union. It looked strong enough to me, threatening America and projecting its power around the world. Were they crazy?
            A short time later I was stunned when it did suddenly collapse: the Berlin Wall came down, it lost its satellite states and ceased as a world power. What brought it down was not military defeat, but economic failure. It lost its ability to compete with the U.S. in the arms race.
            Then I read a book, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers by Paul Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy traced the fall of every world empire (like Spain in the 1500s), to the same thing—they ran out of money just like the Soviets had.
            That alone would be enough to accurately predict the coming fall of the U.S. from the world stage. We are trillions of dollars in debt, which we can never repay. What good are the most sophisticated weapons when we can’t afford to build or use them? Our new bombers will cost one billion dollars each!
            Yet we’re also a nation filled with hubris, thinking we can take on God. We cannot even take on earthly powers like China. How in the world can we take on Almighty God? Yet we defy Him on abortion, pornography, gay marriage, cutting up babies and selling their parts… the list goes on and on. Now we’ve turned against Israel, making a covenant with Iran to defend it against Israel. If Israel tries to bomb Iran’s nuclear sites, we will shoot down their planes! Once again we are defying God, who’s said He will bless those nations that bless Israel, and curse any nation that opposes her.
            There is much more that could be said. But the point is this: the handwriting is on the wall for America just as it was in the 1980s for the Soviet Union. No Republican, not even Donald Trump, can save us. In fact, more than one prophet has said: “there will not be another election—amidst the coming chaos, it will simply be canceled.” Those who are not in Christ and cannot hear His voice will fall. America’s sports loving, beer guzzling, Kardashian watching days will end suddenly. Please get ready!

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