Friday, June 3, 2016

Time of Great Danger for the U.S.--Post 1

By David Hobbs

(This is the beginning of a string of posts that all flow together, based on a word I received from the Lord to "Call the church to a war footing.")

There has come a time of great danger to this country and to the church, especially between now and when the next president is inaugurated in Jan. 2017.
The very foundations of this nation are being shaken by an accelerating collapse of our moral order and its replacement by an ungodly, sodomistic one. Christians, who over and over again have been unable to stem this tide, are expecting God to step in and judge this horrific state of affairs. But the church is making a serious mistake. The Bible declares in 1 Peter 4:17 that judgment, when it comes, must begin with the house of God. Before God can judge the evil in this nation, He is bound by His word to judge the evil in the church. And the church is woefully unprepared for such judgment. It has been so focused on the speck of sawdust in the nation’s eye that it has missed the plank in its own.
On the recent National Day of Prayer (May 5th), there were 300-400 at the breakfast sponsored by the CBA—food and a speech in a comfortable setting. That evening, at the prayer-at-the-fountain event, there were 18. On previous National Days of Prayer, we used to have prayer meetings all over town: City Hall, Yuba County Courthouse, even Wheatland. Now we’re down to one event that drew 18 people. But the truly amazing thing was that out of the 18, only 1 was a member from the regular, mostly white, Evangelical/Pentecostal churches that dominate Yuba-Sutter. Only one out of thousands! The church is dwelling careless and at ease. Someone I shared this with said, “Not all people are called to intercession.” Well, how many from our 100+ local churches has God called to intercession? One hundred? Two hundred? Then where were they? When the dike starts to break, everybody swarms up to try and plug it, whether they are trained dike repairers or not. But nobody in the church thinks our dike’s about to break.
When I asked the Lord where the church was, the Lord showed me they were all over town. Doing what? He gave me the scripture of 2 Tim. 2:4 where Paul exhorts Timothy to be a good soldier. (How many Christians today even consider themselves called to be spiritual soldiers? Listen, unless you were a “special needs” student who went to school on the short little school bus, you’re called to be a soldier in this war!) Then Paul told Timothy what was required of God’s soldiers if they wanted to please their commanding officer (Jesus). They had to “refrain from becoming entangled in civilian affairs.” That was God’s answer to my question “Where is the church?” They weren’t in brothels or bars. But they were busily engaged in affairs of this life which had entangled them to the point they had forgotten they were supposed to be soldiers about the Master’s business. When I wondered what could be done about this situation, the Lord told me, “Call the Church to a war footing.”
The church is trying to fight a war with a handful of valiant intercessors, while the rest of the body takes its ease in Zion: living carelessly, going to church when it’s convenient, going to prayer meetings if no ball games are on, glad to be saved by grace and not works! It’s the same way our nation has fought its last few wars: Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan. The wars raged and people died—55,000 in the case of Viet Nam—But the nation was never put on a war footing. We were never called to sacrifice anything or do anything other than live life as usual. Many veterans have said we could have won the Viet Nam War if we had only prosecuted it whole-heartedly. It’s the same way we are fighting ISIS today, with one hand tied behind our backs, trying to pick off a leader here or there. And the church has done the same thing in its war against a spreading culture of evil.
Most of the church doesn’t even realize it’s at war. If you want to know if we’re at war, ask an intercessor. Do you know one?.
Before God can judge Barack Obama, He must judge the church. He must judge the lukewarm, the complacent, and those who put their lives in this world ahead of their calling in God. Many who are sitting at ease in Zion today, waiting to be raptured to heaven, will be shocked to find themselves spewed out of Jesus’ mouth like it says in Rev. 3:16. That is the startling teaching of the Bible. Jesus would rather we were atheists than lukewarm Christians who have lost our first love.

(Keep reading the next post down to continue with this thread)

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